General Disclaimer: Readings are for entertainment purposes only.
Medical Disclaimer* Readings should never take the place of professional medical advice, do not stop or start any healthcare treatment without your Doctors consent. Intuitive Information relating to Health may come through Kass Huff’s Spiritual Readings/Information – and is not medical advice. Kass Huff is a Psychic, not a Doctor, Mental Health Counselor, or Healthcare Professional, and information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please never start or stop a health regimen based on Psychic Information, and always contact your Health Care Provider regarding all issue’s health related. Kass connects with the other side and brings information through her psychic connection. Kass Huff / Earthly Oasis is neither responsible nor liable for any counsel/advice, treatment/remedy, diagnosis/information, services/products that you obtain based on her psychic readings/intuitive information.