Kass Huff is a sought after naturally gifted Psychic Medium, Psychic Investigator, Medical Intuitive, Healer, Animal Communicator, Instructor, Author, Paranormal Consultant, and Empowerment Coach who is connected to the 4 winds and Great Spirit. A living bridge to the beyond, bringing you messages for your Spirit.
Kass offers Readings, Communication with Loved Ones, Animal Communication, Medical Intuitive, Psychic/Shamanic Spiritual Healing Sessions, Past Life Readings, Business Readings, Relationship & Love Readings, Psychic Investigations, Paranormal consultant, and energy clearings by phone.
Kass began working with her gifts after helping the family of a missing person. She continues to help on cases, as she is able to help, and has assisted on major cases across the United States and in other countries. She reads for people all over the world, channels, teaches - and assists with paranormal investigations and missing persons cases.
Kass began offering Readings professionally in 2007. Kass is a Medium, clairvoyant, remote viewer/psychic detective, empath, numerologist, Feng Shui Practitioner of people and pets, and Shamanic Practitioner. Healing may come into the sessions - because of this many clients are called to work with Kass who seek a shift, to heal, to live life and be in this world not of this world - with love, joy and health unfolding. Many clients are Authors, business owners, Doctors, Healers, Actors, Musicians, etc. Some clients call for help with recovery, guided meditation, answers they haven't found anywhere else, and healing after a loss. Many clients call to hear 'what is coming through for them' and receive messages through Divine Guidance.
Kass is available Monday through Friday by phone and videochat. For in person availability visit events page.
View testimonials. Book with Kass
For out of state clients please remember to change the time zone at the top of the appointment booking screen where it says "DATE/TIME: Choose one of the openings below. (PDT)" change PDT to your time zone. Thank you.
A reading with Kass includes insight & answers to questions through connection. Kass is able to read for you on almost any topic including life, love, career, money, business, and relationships. She is able to validate or offer help and information. Kass is an Empathic Healer, and Medium and may bring through messages from Loved Ones, Pets, and/or provide information about the Spirits with you. She is a channel and speaks to your Guides, Ascended Masters, and higher Soul Self.
Kass is a Gifted Medium, and connects to the afterlife to deliver assistance to those who have lost a loved one and help, as she is able. Kass is Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Psychic Medium, and Empath and often works with Tarot to connect. Communication with Loved Ones offers assistance for Grief & Loss, and Kass may offer healing during the session. Kass receives visions and listens, and tells you what she is able to bring through.
Kass started working as an Animal Communicator years ago when asked to help with an animal who was witness to a crime. Since then Kass has been assisting to relay messages from your pet (on this side or the other) and helping owners to stay connected and have deeper awareness to the connections we have with our beloved 4 legged ones.
Kass is a Medium and feels the body of the person she is reading, and in some cases receives details about conditions within the body. When indicated Kass will channel healing energy and messages for the client to receive healing for systematic changes necessary to realign to a new blueprint for health. Kass is not a Doctor and cannot/does not diagnose. All psychic insight should be used with utmost caution and respect and consult your Doctor before stopping or starting any new healthcare regimen or routine.
Powerful deepening to heal wounds, recover energy and gain new sight, clear and stabilize the path, start the healing of physical and emotional pains and health issues. Journey to listen deeply visioning, and at times Light-Trance (wide awake) hypnotherapy techniques to find new strength for life, release fear, move through the root causes, to release vibrations of disharmony, and energize what is internally correct and flowing in harmony with your Soul. Soul retrieval and clearing are possible when a need for this arises during a call.
Through the years Kass has assisted on hundreds of cases, including missing persons, homicide, cold case, criminal cases, questionable suicide, and family members lost in addiction. In most cases Kass works with someone outside the direct family, search and rescue, or police as the strong emotions can block the readings. Kass has worked on top missing persons and murder cases in the USA as well as Australia, and has aided with details and information.
Find out what is causing disturbances in your life and in your home. Kass is a Medium and has assisted with Paranormal Investigations and House Calls all over the Puget Sound Region including some of the most haunted houses. If you would like a Paranormal Consultation book a phone session and please be in your home at the time of the session. If you feel you are experiencing a haunting read Kass's book "Becoming From The Light".
About Your Session
Kass will open up with an intention/prayer and help get the two of you connected, then she will let you know what she is 'seeing' 'hearing' or what she empathically feels. She will let you know any messages that are coming through, answer your questions, and provide information as she receives it from Spirit* ***.
Your Reading
When Kass is done reading what comes to her, you will have an opportunity to ask questions. If you have specific questions write them down ahead of time and have them ready. Readings offer answers for life's situations, and bring guidance and answers about Love, Money, Career, Relationships, Business, Family, Health, Animals, and help with grief and loss or loss of a loved one. Readings often bring a sense of peace, and understanding. Kass is a Medium, and will bring through messages as she hears them. You may send pictures of loves and pets to Kass at the time of the reading - at the time of your session let Kass know if you have pictures and she will let you know the text or email to send them to. Please do not text or email pictures ahead of time (only at the time of reading).
Readings By Phone & Videochat
Readings are available by phone 9:30 am to 6:30 pm PST Monday-Friday. Videochat appointments are available 2:30 to 6:30 pm PST. Kass has many years experience reading by phone and videochat. Book appointment online. Videochat links are emailed approximately 10 minutes before the session time.
At the exact time of your appointment call (253) 503-6816 and have a pen and paper handy. No recording is allowed without asking first for permission to record. It is illegal to record Kass without her knowledge and consent. All recordings Kass expressly agrees to are to be used only for confidential purposes only between Kass and the client having the session. If you are wanting to record, use your own recording device, ask permission, and have your own personal device to record your session ready, Kass does not record sessions (this includes zoom). Payment is due at the time of your appointment.*
Time Zone Difference
For out of state clients - choose the amount of reading you would like, then on the next page the scheduler will bring you to - please remember to change the time zone at the top of the appointment booking screen where it says "DATE/TIME: Choose one of the openings below. (PDT)" change PDT to your time zone. Please do this every time. Thank you.
Extenuating Circumstances & Contradictions
Kass is a Spiritual Healer and Ordained Minister, there are times a client may want a Reading and/or Mediumship but there is a healing required or extenuating circumstances to address before that is possible. Deep emotional pain, debilitating or caustic (toxic) grief, a very recent death of a loved one or pet, depression, atheism, anxiety, anger, mental illness, physical illness in its full manifestation etc. can at times block a reading. In rare cases a haunted house or person can block a reading. If you feel you are experiencing any of these let Kass know ahead of time before booking email info@kasshuff.com or let Kass know at the beginning of the call.
Appointment Booking
When you book an appointment it is assumed the person booking the appointment is the same person having the appointment for all general purposes, and that the person booking is agreeing to the disclaimers, appointment directions, and cancellation policies.